

小时候,“爱”对我来说只不过对父母的爱和对朋友的爱而已。换句话说,就是“亲情”和“友情”。我常常听我妈妈说很多人上到中学就会学会拍拖。一般上,父母都会很抗拒这所谓的"puppy love",理由也不外乎害怕自己的孩子荒废学业或者受骗等等。哈哈哈,当然我自己也不例外啦。对于我来说,“爱”并不是索取,也不是一种交易。它的承诺能够让人纯净,让人思念过去的点点滴滴。我也很难给出确切的答案,也很难接触到它的本质。“爱”的真正含义,有人能够用三言两语的文字就能把它给解释掉,但是不管如何努力,也很难把“爱”形容得尽善尽美。同时,这也带出了“爱”的神秘感。人们常说"爱"是心灵的港湾,“爱”常与激情相伴,“爱”常表现在那些难忘的细节上,在你的肩头上,那是“爱”的依靠。手轻轻一握,那是“爱”的嘱托,生命在“爱”中升温,心在“爱”中溶化,“爱”的相遇不能用任何的理由解释的,爱过的就会留恋,爱过的就会久久的难忘。 飘逝的“爱”,在一个人的生命中的份量无法衡量,“爱”是回忆,“爱”是经久不息的牵挂,“爱”会把人变得凝重,“爱”会让人懂得思念。轻松地把生命和梦想冻结,只是为了让“爱”永远的留住,冰雪的顶峰保存着“爱”的珍贵。“爱”的坚强不仅表现在“爱”的距离,坚强的“爱”永远伴着脆弱的心,深爱的人从来不曾在心中把“爱”放下,累了,伴着“爱”眠,乏了,把心中的“爱”轻轻地翻阅。原来“爱”是心中的力量,是心中的幸福!

各位,只不过是我对“爱”的少少意见。不认同,DUN BLAME ME!!!!






I don't know put what topic for this ,,

My friend Johnny and Papaya said:"I will continue my education at singapore after Form 6." I ask them why, they told me:"Malaysia had give us what? Why we still stay at here?" Talk truth, i really don't know how to answer them, maybe Malaysia really never give us anything.
Although i am not first time to hear people talk like this, but a "question mark" had appear in my mind after my two good friends talk to me like this. Before that, i thought only the city chinese just will feel government is not fair to treat the non-indigenous. But, the fact tell me "NO" and "NEVER"!!!! Originally, most of the chinese also Anti-Government. Actualy, what we can do? Really run away form Malaysia is a good method to let us get a better life? For both of you, maybe the answer is "YES". But for me, the answer is "NO". You can say me is a traitor in chinese, but in my opinion, we shouldn't run away form Malaysia just because of this such reason. Come on guys, let us stay at here and give more a few times to all our Chinese political leader to change the council in Malaysia. Because i still think like this, Malaysia is our root what!! In other ways, we also need to show off our strong to the indigenous and to prove our chinese just the BOSS of this country!!

Chinese go go go!


New topic from..

Finally, finally... our UMNO "leader" talk rubbish again. Now, the new topic is "Non-indigenous less join army equal to don't love Malaysia". LOL..LOL..LOL!!! What a big big great great joke ah. Ah Dato Seri, did you know what the feeling of us after we heard it? Before that, our MCA president just suggest decrease the percentage of the share of indigenous, then what happen to him? Firstly, your UMNO speaker use a lot of rubbish Hokkien words to "shot" him enoughly. Wa, why always the Malay can publish a lot of rubbish, then why our Chinese or Indian can help our race to fight some right? Who can tell me? But i deeply get it, that's impossible having a revolution in our country, maybe this is because the occur of some vulgar race in this country. So, what we can to do to solve it? My opinion, vote MCA candidates......i deeply believe only MCA can help our race!!!